Committed to offering women the latest in gynecological services, preventive care and aesthetic treatments, board certified OB/GYN Dr. Mayhew of For Women By Women, in Los Gatos, California, offers expert spot reduction with laser liposuction. She has performed laser liposuction with excellent results and reviews for women throughout the Silicon Valley and greater San Francisco Bay area.

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What is laser liposuction?

Laser liposuction is a surgical procedure designed to spot reduce and contour areas of the body, such as the abdomen (muffin top), back, arms (chicken wings), buttocks and thighs, where fat accumulates and is hard to lose, even with a healthy diet and exercise. The procedure utilizes a laser that produces intense light and heat to liquefy fat cells before they are suctioned out of the body or naturally reabsorbed. Tiny incisions are made through which Dr. Mayhew inserts the laser tip. Some of the dissolved fat is suctioned out, while the remainder is broken down and excreted as part of normal body processes.

What are the advantages over traditional liposuction?

Laser liposuction is safer and significantly less painful than traditional liposuction. Blood loss and bruising is greatly reduced and only a local anesthetic cocktail is needed, which is a lot less risky than the general anesthesia used for standard liposuction. In addition, with this procedure Dr. Mayhew is able to maneuver patients immediately, versus the patient having to lay on a table, preventing the body from truly being sculpted. It is perfect for moms looking to get rid of C-section muffin tops or pubic and other areas that have begun to bulge.

How should I select who performs my laser liposuction?

Laser liposuction is a surgery, and anyone performing it should have a surgical background and be knowledgeable about skin infections and other possible complications. While it’s important to seek a medical professional with experience, patients are advised to select one who performs each procedure with individualized attention. Laser liposuction should not be approached as a high volume surgery.

What can I expect afterwards?

Following the procedure patients wear a special contraction garment for at least two weeks, depending on the individual’s skin quality and how much fat was removed. There will be at least three postoperative appointments at: 1 to 2 weeks, 1 month, and 2 to 4 months. Photos will be taken at each of these to document the healing process. The full effects typically take several weeks to months to become visible.