Omega-3s and Your Body

Omega-3 fats, one of two essential fatty acids, are clinically proven to maintain proper health. Like vitamins and minerals, however, our bodies do not produce Omega-3 fats, and we must depend on healthy foods and supplements.

Nordic Naturals® with Omega Fat Testing

Nordic Naturals® with Omega Fat Testing exceeds international standards for quality. These supplements are developed from only the best raw materials, including specific fish species, and the manufacturing process preserves the purity of the omega fat.

Why Should I Choose Dr. Mayhew and For Women By Women for Nordic Naturals® with Omega Fat Testing?

Dr. Mayhew is a huge proponent of this product line and has in-depth knowledge on the numerous specialized products thst Nordic Naturals has to offer. With her care and concern for each patient’s total body health, Dr. Mayhew will work with each patient to determine the right products to meet individual needs. She has an ongoing relationship with Nordic Naturals as a distrubutor, and will conveniently place special orders directly for patients.

What Are the Benefits of Nordic Naturals® with Omega Fat Testing at For Women By Women?

High-quality supplements provide real results. The specialized Omega-3 fats in Nordic Naturals® with Omega Fat Testing support the following:

  • Immune system
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Brain and cognitive functioning
  • Healthy hair and skin
  • Hormone balance
  • Joint health
  • Eye health

Are Nordic Naturals® with Omega Fat Testing Right for Me?

Nordic Naturals® should only be used after consulting with a medical professional. Call our office today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Mayhew.